Introduced to Indian market in 1996, Delta Fire Engineers (D.F.E.) one of core fire and life safety engineering organization awarded by maharashtra Fire Service as a License Agency under MFS_LSM Act and Rules. Involvement and our expert services is provoke and execution of various fire safety automated system follow by latest engineering and researches. Our value added engineering offer customers to be national and international codes of conducts, help smooth obtains of governments permits and supports senior managements for establish a healthy business contingency plan.
We offers our clients the quality standard products to choose i.e. I.S.I., C.E., F.M., G.L., A.N.S.I., B.S. which are made strictly as per (National Fire Protection Association) N.F.P.A. Standards and follow to applied Development Corporation Rules (D.C.)
Reliability of our system/s, value added engineering, easier design for maintenance is our key expertise.
A couple of dedicated engineers, competent qualified technicians and skilled personals working under our “Project Team” 24×7 equipped with latest Tools, Technics and Machinery. Accident free execution is our passion. Delta Fire Engineers is driven by its zeal in contributing to the welfare & growth of our Nation by prevention and loss engineering and at the same time enhancing business continuity using emerging technologies and assigns to development of our environment and systems.